Riva Club Sweden, the club for Riva owners/enthusiasts in Finland !
Dear Riva owners and Riva enthusiasts. Did you know that we have around 15 Riva boats in Finland? – And 10 of the Riva owners in Finland are today members in Riva Club Sweden (RCS)!
We have a very active cooperation with our Swedish friends and we arranged the Riva Run&Fun event at the island Åland in 2019.
Finnish Riva boats have traditionally attended several Riva Run&Fun events in Sweden, and our members have also participated in the international events arranged by the Riva Historical Society in Europe.

As we have experienced, to be members in RCS is the best way for us in Finland to be a part of the Riva family, and take part of all the international events. This way we have a good base to get information and good advice to keep our boats running and the doors are open to all the international events.
In Finland we have a few interesting Riva restoration projects on going and I am looking forward to get all the Riva owners in Finland to join the Riva Club Sweden. I am happy to answer any of your questions.
Jan-Martin Börman
Vice president Riva Club Sweden