Carlo Riva is the man we all have to thank for our beautiful boats. Without exaggeration, he is one of the world’s most skilled and famous Yacht Designers ever. He was also a very talented industrialist who managed to build an empire and a global market around the world’s Most Beautiful, Best, and perhaps most expensive boats. Read more about Carlo Rivas all boat models that created the Myth and Legend related to the name Riva worldwide!
Most of the facts about the Riva boats are found in Piero Gibbelinis books Carlo the Legend, Riva the myth. For those who want to learn more and share hundreds of photos, this book series is really recommended! The books can be purchased directly from Riva Historical Society (RHS).
Another important source of facts has been the RHS quarterly magazine vivariva. Piero Gibbelini and others have continued to survey the boats history and many new data have been published over the years in the magazine. The vivariva is exclusive for members of Riva clubs associated with RHS.
Additional Info could also be found at RHS website .